Growth Groups are our most important ministry structure for adults. They are many, and they meet various needs.
Growth Groups are groups of 12-15 persons who get together for 10-13 weeks to study Scripture and to grow in their walk with God. In this environment, new friendships are formed, and “community” begins to take place. During the semester, each growth group does at least one service project and at least one fun social event together. We do 3 semesters of Growth Groups each year.
Key leadership ministries in Growth Group leader(s), an apprentice (a leader in training), a person or persons who can plan the service project and the social event. We would like to have more groups in the future that meet in homes. For this, we need persons who would host a group.
There is more information about forming Growth Groups and how they function in each semester’s Growth Group Catalog.
First Serve Opportunities
Apprentice: For this, contact Pastor Rick.
Host: Contact Pastor Rick.
Plan a service project or social event:Work with the leader of your Growth Group. Most group leaders are anxious for others to assist with this important function.
Contact for Further Information
Rick McClain • (O) 478-8228 • RickMcClain@ccclc.info